Graduate Focus Area
Interested in pursuing a graduate degree with a focus on Southeast Asia?
Graduate Students
Graduate students across Cornell may pursue Southeast Asian area and language study while fulfilling degree requirements from the Graduate School or one of the professional schools.
To affiliate with SEAP, visit our join page and be sure to fill out the student form. You will be formally recognized on SEAP's website and will be automatically added to our listserv. Students will receive regular updates about SEAP events, funding, career opportunities, and more!
Master's Students
The Department of Asian Studies facilitates the master's degree program in Southeast Asian studies, designed for students who did not major in Asian studies as undergraduates or who want more work in language and area studies before entering the professional, business, or PhD fields. One to two years of study are required, depending on language proficiency. Students undertake a substantial body of training in both language and interdisciplinary courses concerning Southeast Asia.
The course of study is devised by a special committee of three faculty members who supervise the student's progress toward the preparation and defense of a master's thesis. Forms for committee selection and approval of the course of study can be downloaded from the Graduate School website.