SEAP Publications
SEAP Publications, an imprint of Cornell University Press, publishes and distributes academic books and a semiannual journal on Indonesia. SEAP Publications seeks to make scholarship on Southeast Asia widely available to interested readers.
SEAP Publications operates under the auspices of the Southeast Asia Program (SEAP). The mission of SEAP Publications is to make available scholarly and language texts at the lowest possible cost to an interested international readership that includes academics, business leaders, students, libraries and museums, governmental agencies, and nongovernmental organizations. Sarah Grossman is the managing editor of SEAP Publications.
Our Publications
Online Catalog
Please visit our online catalog of the latest titles from SEAP Publications.
Cornell Modern Indonesia Project (CMIP)
Works produced by the Cornell Modern Indonesia Project are now available on Hathi Trust.
Indonesia Journal
Indonesia is a semi-annual journal devoted to the timely study of Indonesia's culture, history, government, economy, and society. It features original scholarly articles, interviews, translations, and book reviews. Published since April 1966, the journal provides area scholars and interested readers with contemporary analyses of Indonesia and an extensive archive of research pertaining to the nation and region. The journal is published by Cornell University's Southeast Asia Program and Cornell University Press.
Issues of Indonesia are available here.
Other SEAP Publications Archives
Other works produced in affiliation with SEAP Publications are available on eCommons, including the SEAP Data Papers Series and other historical works.
Information for Authors
Prospective authors are encouraged to email SEAP Publications editor Sarah Grossman. Author guidelines can be found on the Cornell University Press website.
Courtesy Copies
Desk and Exam Copies
An examination copy of any publication is available to those considering the book for course adoption. Please consult the Cornell University Press guidelines on requesting a desk or exam copy.
Review Copies for Media
If you would like to receive a review copy of a SEAP title, please submit your request to Cornell University Press's publicist. Please be sure to include the author(s) and title of the book you are requesting, the publication or media outlet for which you work, mailing address, and phone number.
Permissions, Reprints, and Translation and Subsidiary Rights
For book-related questions regarding permissions and reprints, contact Cornell University Press's permissions and subsidiary rights coordinator. For questions regarding translation and subsidiary rights, email Cornell University Press. For all other book-related questions, please contact the appropriate department at Cornell University Press.
SEAP Publications Contacts
For book orders visit our online catalog or contact:
Longleaf Services, Inc.
116 S. Boundary St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-3808
Tel: 800-848-6224
Fax: 800-272-6817
For manuscript submission and editorial questions contact:
Sarah Grossman
Editor, SEAP/CMIP Publications
213 Kahin Center
640 Stewart Ave.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: (607) 255-4359
For questions regarding permissions and reprints contact:
Stephanie Munson
Cornell University Press
Sage House512 East State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: 607-277-2338
For questions regarding translation and subsidiary rights contact:
Tonya Cook
Cornell University Press
Sage House512 East State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: 607-277-2338
For all other questions please contact the appropriate department at Cornell University Press:
Cornell University Press
Sage House
512 East State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: 607-277-2338