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More than 350 faculty from across Cornell come together at the Einaudi Center to imagine and conduct global research. Over 150 graduate and undergraduate students find resources, inspiration, and a global scholarly community through Einaudi's eight regional and thematic programs and minors.

Senior Lecturer, Global Development
Annalisa Raymer directs the Community Learning and Service Partnership (CLASP). She is a 2021–22 Global Public Voices fellow.
Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: 2024-2025

Committee Chair/Advisor: Marina Welker

Discipline: Anthropology

Primary Language:…

Senior Lecturer, Spanish Language

Mary K. Redmond's research interests include Spanish for heritage speakers, applied linguistics, the pedagogies of language teaching, second language acquisition theory, and issues of multilingualism.

Prize for Best Essay in Technology and International Security Policy Winner 2024-25

Brett Reichert is a U.S. Army Goodpaster Fellow and PhD student in Public Policy at Cornell University. His research examines how emerging military technology affects conflict dynamics and the use of force.

Professor Emerita, Science and Technology

Judith Reppy is professor emerita in science and technology studies. On the occasion of its 40th anniversary, the Peace Studies Program was renamed to honor her long-term service and commitment to the program.

Professor, Architecture

Henry Richardson is a licensed architect, urban designer, and a nationally certified city and regional planner. Richardson conducts research on low-cost housing and urban settlement in developing countries, energy-conscious design, and the application of CAVE-based…

Former Director, Einaudi Center
Rachel Beatty Riedl served as the Einaudi Center's director from 2019 to 2024.
Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: 2029

Committee Chair/Advisor: Saurabh Mehta

Discipline: International Nutrition

Teaching Associate, Asian Studies

Geographic Research Area: India and Pakistan

Teaching/Research Interests: All levels of Urdu and advanced level of Hindi

Richard J. Schwartz Professor, Government
Kenneth Roberts leads the Einaudi Center's democratic threats and resilience global research priority in academic years 2022–25.
Garvin Professor of Ornithology

Amanda Rodewald’s research and interests focus on population and community responses to changes in land use, climate, invasive species, and disturbance regimes; socioecological dynamics and conservation in working landscapes; eco-evolutionary dynamics in human-…

James A. Perkins Professor

Eloy Rodriguez is a research scientist of chemical biology, ecology and medicinal chemistry, and toxicology of natural small molecules and glycoproteins from plants and arthropods that are important in ecological and biological interactions and human and animal…

Assistant Professor, History

Kristin Roebuck is drafting a book manuscript entitled Japan Reborn: Race and the Family of Nations after World War II.

Assistant Professor, Wells College

Leslie Rogne Schumacher is a scholar of Europe and the Middle East. He currently holds positions at Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Additionally, Dr.

Assistant Professor, Government

Bryn Rosenfeld's research interests include political behavior, development and democratization, protest, post-communist politics, and survey methodology.

Executive Director, Einhorn Center for Community Engagement

Basil is responsible for providing senior leadership, planning and strategy development in support of the Einhorn Center to shape a wide range of projects and initiatives in community engagement.

Graduate student

Shree Saha is a PhD student in the field of applied economics and management. Her research interests include women’s empowerment, maternal and child nutrition, financial inclusion, and development.

Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences

David E. Sahn is an international professor of economics in the Division of Nutritional Sciences and the Department of Economics. Since 2015, he has been a research fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor in Bonn, Germany.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Arts in Asian Studies

Naoki Sakai teaches in the departments of Asian studies and comparative literature and is a member of the graduate field of history at Cornell University.

LACS Graduate Fellow '24-'25

Rocío Salas-Lewin is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Government. Her research interests include social movements, electoral behavior, populism, and public opinion in Latin America.

Associate Professor, Science and Technology Studies and Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Juno Salazar Parreñas is a feminist science studies scholar who examines human-animal relations, environmental issues, and efforts to institutionalize justice. Parreñas’ book, Decolonizing Extinction: The Work of Care in Orangutan Rehabilitation (Duke UP,…

Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: MFA

Discipline: Visual Arts

Primary Language: Khmer, Thai

Emeritus, Hu Shih Distinguished Professor

Paul Steven Sangren is a socio-cultural anthropologist whose research focuses on Taiwan and China. His earliest published work combines insights drawn from structuralist theory with practice-oriented critiques to illuminate Chinese ritual processes and…

LACS Graduate Fellow ’21-‘24

Leonardo Santamaría-Montero is a PhD student in the Department of History of Art and Visual Studies. He is interested in the study of 19th century Central American visual and material culture, with a focus on indigenous aesthetics and their representations.

Associate Professor Emerita, Anthropology

Vilma Santiago-Irizarry’s research has focused on the unintended consequences, paradoxes, and contradictions generated in the articulation and deployment of ethnoracial identity constructs, particularly in the United States and in institutional settings, where they…

Graduate Student, Architecture

Ecem Sarıçayır is pursuing a PhD in history of architecture and urban development at Cornell University.

Senior Lecturer, Biology and Science Communication

Mark A. Sarvary is a senior lecturer in biology and science communication at the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior. His research focuses on evidence-based teaching practices and student-centered pedagogical methods in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and…

Senior Lecturer, Tagalog

Maria Theresa C. Savella teaches all levels of Tagalog (Filipino). She is co-author with John Wolff and Der-Hwa Rau of Filipino Through Self-Instruction (1991, rev.

Program Manager
Associate Professor, City and Regional Planning
Stephan Schmidt's research interests concern land-use policy, patterns, and processes.
Assistant Professor, History

Casey Schmitt is a historian of early America and the Caribbean, with particular interests in human trafficking, colonization, and illicit economies over the course of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Assistant Professor, Sociology
Landon Schnabel's research focuses on the intersection of inequality, gender, sexualities, religion, public opinion, and social change. He is a 2021–22 Global Public Voices fellow.
Samuel B. Eckert Professor of Computer Science

Fred Schneider's research supports the construction of concurrent and distributed systems for high-integrity and mission-critical settings. 

Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: 2028

Committee Chair/Advisor: Andrea Won, Natalie Bazarova

Discipline: Communication

Primary Language…

Horace White Professor in Biology, Professor Emeritus
Thomas Seeley, College of Arts and Sciences, teaches courses on animal behavior and does research on the behavior and social life of honey bees.
IES Graduate Fellow 2024-2025

Priyanka Sen is a Ph.D. candidate in the HAUD program. Her research investigates architectural entanglements with spatial geographies, migration and environmental histories, focusing on the South Asian diaspora and its intertwinement with settlement,…

Graduate student

Trishna is a PhD candidate in the department of Anthropology. Her research interests include carceral institutions as well as practices of prison reform and rehabilitation in India. 

Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: 2025-26

Committee Chair/Advisor: Arnika Fuhrmann & Nick Salvato

Discipline: Performing and Media Arts (PMA)

Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: 2024-25

Committee chair/advisor: Filiz Garip, Shannon Gleeson

Discipline: Sociology

Associate Professor, Science and Technology

Suman Seth works on the social, cultural, and intellectual history of science and medicine. His interests include the history of medicine, race, and colonialism, the physical sciences (particularly quantum theory), & gender and science.

Graduate Student

Payal is a Ph.D. candidate in the field of Applied Economics and Management. Her work is primarily focused on development economics and applied econometrics.

Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: 2026

Committee Chair/Advisor: Juno Salazar Parreñas

Discipline: Anthropology

Primary Language:…

Assistant Professor, City and Regional Planning

Linda Shi's research and professional practice focus on urban environmental governance and advancing planning policies to manage the urban climate transition in ways that improve social equity.

Editor, Cornell East Asia Program

Alexis Shimon is the editor of the Cornell East Asia Series. They first came to Cornell in June 2019 as an acquisitions assistant and Mellon University Press Diversity Fellow at Cornell University Press. Alexis has a PhD in History, with a focus on the history of…

Associate Professor, German Studies

Elke Siegel's research is in German literature from 1900 to the present, literary theory, and psychoanalysis.

Professor Emeritus, Anthropology and Asian Studies

James Siegel retired from full-time teaching in 2007. He is the last of the second-generation SEAP faculty to retire. Like other emeritus SEAP faculty, he retains an office at the Kahin Center and is available to help mentor future scholars of Southeast Asia.…

IES Graduate Fellow 2024-2025

Nora Siena's dissertation, “Inoperative Brevitas: The Contamination of Short Literary and Philosophical Forms and the Twentieth-century Italian Racconto,” identifies a paradigmatic mode of…

Professor of Practice, Systems Engineering

Semida Silveira is a Professor of Practice in the Systems Engineering Program and a member of the CEET Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition.

Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: 2027

Committee Chair/Advisor: Steve Grodsky

Discipline: Natural Resources

Primary Language:…

Executive Director, Center for Islam in the Contemporary World (CICW), Shenandoah University

Ermin Sinanović is the executive director of the Center for Islam in the Contemporary World (CICW) at Shenandoah University, where he is also a Scholar in Residence.

Senior Lecturer, Asian Studies

Geographic Research Area: India

Teaching/Research Interests: All levels of Hindi language

Director, Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies
Rebecca Slayton is an associate professor of science and technology studies in the College of Arts and Sciences. Her research and teaching focus on international security, governance, and cooperation since World War II.
Administrator and HR Manager
Judy Small supports the Einaudi Center and Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs. She has worked at Cornell since 1985 in administration and human resources positions.
Reppy Fellow 2024-25

Elisha Smith has a BS in supply chain management from the University of Texas in Dallas. For the past five years, he has worked in global development and agriculture in post-conflict regions in Iraq and Syria. He is currently pursuing an MPS in Global…

Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences in Anthropology

The central preoccupation of Adam Smith's research and writing is the role that the material world—everyday objects, representational media, natural and built landscapes—plays in our political lives.  

Professor, Integrative Plant Science, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

Since August 2020, Margaret Smith has served as the director of the Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station and associate dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Her research is primarily on field corn, but also includes work on sweet corn.…

Professor Emeritus, Chemistry

Dotsevi Sogah's research covers the design and synthesis of new polymers, preparation of protein-based polymers, and application of living polymerization methods to surface functionalization of nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes.

Associate Professor, Asian Studies

Suyoung Son is a literary and cultural historian of early modern China (1500-1900). Her research focuses on the narrative tradition and social practice of writing and reading in the historical conditions of print culture, commercialization, and urbanization.

Senior Lecturer, Asian Studies
Meejeong Song has experience teaching all levels of Korean at Cornell. Her research interests include Second Language Acquisition, web-based teaching material development, interactive student group project development, and technology-aided teaching methodology.
Associate Professor, Literatures in English

Derrick Spires is an associate professor of literatures in English and affiliate faculty in American, visual, and media studies. He specializes in early African American and American print culture, citizenship studies, and African American intellectual history.…

Visiting Scholar

Khaysy Srithilat is a Visiting Scholar at Cornell University’s Southeast Asia Program (SEAP) for the 2024-2025 academic year. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Dongbei University of Economics and Finance, China, with a focus on monetary policy, development…

Professor, SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Kathryn Stam is a professor of anthropology at SUNY Polytechnic Institute. She serves as the coordinator of the online master’s program in information design and technology, and she teaches undergraduate anthropology.

Associate Professor of Playwriting, Department of Theatre Studies, Ithaca College

Saviana Stanescu is a Romanian-born poet and writer, and an award-winning playwright and ARTivist based in NY. She is the winner of New York Innovative Theatre Award for Outstanding Script, Samuel French OOB Festival, Best Romanian Play of the Year UNITER Award, and…

Professor and Department Chair, Natural Resources and the Environment

As a faculty member in resource policy and management, Richard Stedman’s teaching, outreach, and research focus on the interaction between social and ecological systems.

Professor, Biological and Environmental Engineering

Tammo Steenhuis’s research is carried out over a trillion-fold scale range, from the transport of micro particles in soil pores to the effect of human interventions in the landscape on transport of water and sediment in large river basins.  He…

Faculty Associate in Research

Emiko Stock is a visual and historical anthropologist. Working with Chams (Cambodian Muslims) and Sayyids (descendants of the Prophet Muhammad), she traces passages between Sunnism and Shi’ism and Cambodia and Iran as a practice of history refracted in still and…

Senior Domestic Policy Advisor, Oxfam America
Patricia Stottlemyer is a human rights lawyer specializing in advocating for the U.S. to uphold its human rights obligations. She is a 2021–22 Global Public Voices fellow.
Professor, History and Classics
Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: 2026

Committee Chair/Advisor: Miloje Despic, Helena Aparicio

Discipline: Linguistics 

Associate professor of History

Peidong Sun is a social and cultural historian of the post-1949 period in China.

SEAP Postdoctoral Associate
Aichiro Suryo Prabowo is a postdoctoral associate in Einaudi's Southeast Asia Program (SEAP). His research integrates sustainability and resilience issues into public finance and budgeting.
IES Graduate Fellow 2023-2024

Emre Susamci is interested in international legal and global intellectual history in the 19th and 20th centuries. His geographical focus is on the Middle East and Europe.

Senior Lecturer, Asian Studies

Misako Suzuki is a senior lecturer in the Department of Asian Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Director, Comparative Muslim Societies Program

Eric Tagliacozzo is the John Stambaugh Professor of History at Cornell University. He is the director of the Einaudi Center's Comparative Muslim Societies Program and a core faculty member of the Southeast Asia Program and South Asia Program.

Reppy Fellow Fall 2024

Synia Taitt is a first-year Ph.D. student in Cornell University's government department. Her research in American politics focuses on the intersection of social movements, linked fate, policies, and public institutions, such as…

Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: N/A

Committee Chair/Advisor: Durba Ghosh

Discipline: History

Primary Language: …

Reppy Fellow 2024-25

Georgy Tarasenko is a PhD student in the Department of Government at Cornell University. His major field of study is Comparative Politics, with minor fields in Political Thought and Methods.

Emeritus Maxwell Upson Professor of Government and Adjunct Professor, Cornell Law School

Department of Government, College of Arts and Sciences.

IES Graduate Fellow 2023-2024

Judith Tauber is a PhD candidate concentrating in Italian and French Cultural History. Before commencing her doctoral studies, she received a B.A. from the College of William & Mary.

IES Graduate Fellow 2024-2025

Alican Taylan, MArch, MEng, is a Ph.D. student in the History of Architecture and Urban Development (HAUD) at Cornell University, where he studies nineteenth-century environmental and colonial history.

Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture

Maria C. Taylor is a historian and theorist of landscape design, environmental relations and international urban planning.

Professor Emeritus, Asian Studies

Keith Taylor became interested in Vietnam as a result of his U.S. Army service in the Vietnam War. He earned his PhD in 1976 at the University of Michigan. He subsequently taught in Japan and Singapore for several years before returning to the United States in 1987…

Graduate Student

Degree Pursued: PhD

Anticipated Degree Year: N/A

Committee Chair/Advisor: Ted O'Donoghue

Discipline: Behavioural Economics

Senior Lecturer, Asian Studies

Felicia Qiuyun Teng teaches intermediate and advanced Chinese language and literature. She previously served as an editor at Beijing Publishing House and as a journalist and editor for Beijing Publishing House's University Students magazine.

Professor, Cornell Brooks Public Policy
Sharon Tennyson’s primary research focus is the impact of laws and government regulations on the well-being of consumers in markets. She coordinated Einaudi's disasters research team.
Senior Lecturer, Spanish Language

Brisa Teutli's areas of interest include web-enhanced and computer-assisted instruction, material development, teaching methods, learning strategies, language lab operation, teacher training, and study abroad.

Professor, Law
Chantal Thomas directs the Clarke Initiative for Law and Development in the Middle East and North Africa at Cornell Law School. She is a 2021–22 Global Public Voices fellow.
Assistant Professor of Government

Geographic Research Area: South Asia and Latin America

H. E. Babcock Professor of Economics Emeritus

Erik Thorbecke is the H. E. Babcock Professor of Economics and Food Economics Emeritus and former director of the Program on Comparative Economic Development at Cornell University.

Senior Extension Associate and Assistant Director, Cornell Cooperative Extension

Keith Tidball conducts integrated research, extension, and outreach activities in the area of ecological dimensions of human security. Tidball's work is focused on the interactions between humans and the rest of nature in the aftermath of disturbances such as…

Graduate Student

Praveen is a PhD student at the Department of Comparative Literature. His work focuses on modern South Asian literary and intellectual history (with an emphasis on 20th century Sri Lanka), psychoanalytic theory, Buddhist modernist thought, and postcolonial studies…

Professor, Historic Preservation Planning

Geographic Research Area: Asia, the Middle East, and Central and South America

Teaching/Research Interests: Relationships between museums and the public, and preservation, planning, and religion 

Professor, Le Moyne College

Tooker, Deborah E., (Ph.D.

LACS Graduate Fellow '19-'24

Rafael Torralvo is a violinist and musicologist whose academic research focuses on the intersection between music, literature, and politics to analyze the construction of national identity in Brazil during the military dictatorship (1964-1985).

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA)

Quynh Anh Tran is a 2024-2025 Fulbright Program grantee from Vietnam in the Department of Asian Studies at Cornell University. She graduated from the University of Languages and International…

Senior Lecturer, Vietnamese

Thuy Tranviet has been teaching Vietnamese in the Department of Asian Studies since 2000. She teaches Vietnamese at all levels, including advanced courses in newspaper reading and Vietnamese contemporary literature.

Associate Professor, History

Geographic Research Area: India and Pakistan

Teaching/Research Interests: British Empire, legacy of Indo-Persian politics in colonial era, history of political and economic ideas, and the history of global interconnections…

Susan and Barton Winokur Professor in the Humanities

Enzo Traverso is a historian of modern and contemporary Europe. His research focuses on the intellectual history and the political ideas of the twentieth century.

Professor, Public and Ecosystem Health

Alexander Travis is director of the Master of Public Health program in the College of Veterinary Medicine. His research explores a diverse set of subjects related to one health: interdisciplinary work that links the functions and well-being of people, animals, and…

Assistant Professor, Romance Studies

Irina Troconis’s areas of specialization include: Memory Studies, Venezuelan Studies, Politics and Performance, Affect Theory, and Digital Humanities.