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Faculty Associates


Richard Fincher is leading the Cambodia Winter Program in Winter 2024. He is a mediator and arbitrator, self-employed, beginning in 1998. He is a Faculty Associate in the College of Business at Arizona State University.

Emeritus/Retired Associate Professor, Architecture

Jeremy Foster is interested in the opportunities landscape thinking offers for environmental understanding, interpretation, and design practice.

Associate Professor of Practice, Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences

Martin Gilbert is interested in pursuing health-related research that has direct relevance to the conservation of wildlife, particularly carnivores and scavengers. This includes approaches to understand how endangered species are impacted at a population level by infectious disease (such as

Professor, Entomology

Laura Harrington's research focuses on the biology, ecology, and behavior of mosquitoes that transmit human diseases. She became interested in global health issues and vector-borne diseases after living and working for several years in rural Thailand.

Professor Emerita, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Drew Harvell's research on host-pathogen interactions and the sustainability of marine ecosystems has taken her from the reefs of Mexico, Indonesia, and Hawaii to the Pacific Northwest.

Professor, Information Science

Steven Jackson is an associate professor in the Department of Information Science and Department of Science and Technology Studies. He conducts research in the areas of scientific collaboration, technology policy, democratic governance, and global development. 

Harold Bierman, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Management

Andrew Karolyi's research focuses on investment management and international financial markets.

Assistant Professor, Architecture

Farzin Lotfi-Jam is an architect whose work explores the politics of technology and cities. He is an assistant professor in architecture at Cornell University where he directs the Realtime Urbanism Lab.

Professor, Integrative Plant Science

Susan McCouch's research focuses on rice and includes publishing the first molecular map of the rice genome in 1988. She spent five years with the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines before joining the Cornell faculty.

Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Peter Mcintyre is an aquatic conservation ecologist and the Dwight Webster Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow. Working with a wide range of collaborators, he develop management approaches that balance human interests with protecting biodiversity.